Welcome to the Lewis Leadership Group.
Come on in. It is my privilege to have you here.
Developing Leadership Capacity
Developing Leadership Capacity
Expanding your perspective helps you see things in fresh ways, ask thought provoking questions that deepen your understanding, access a wider range of choices, and open up new possibilities.
Staying purposeful, resourceful, and at choice no matter what is going on around you is demanding work. It requires paying attention to your inner landscape {What is important to me?} and your outer life {What does my organization need?}.
A leader's ability to step into the unknown and move toward perceived conflict and potential risk requires courage and confidence. Developing a deeper belief in oneself and a fuller reserve of bravery will allow you to move forward one step at a time.
By viewing yourself as a work in progress, you will be more willing to stretch the limits of who you are, do new things that make you uncomfortable and develop a sense of self that feels authentic to you and suits the changing needs of your world.
The job of leadership is about two things. Learning to know and learning to grow. Learning to know is becoming masterful in your industry and your business. Learning to grow is becoming equally masterful in developing yourself and those around you.
I approach growth and change as a process and focus on four fundamental elements - awareness, action, accountability, and acceptance. I create an environment of loving challenge to help individuals and organizations move out of your own way so you achieve results with greater impact, connection, and enjoyment.
Learning to Grow
[Yourself & Others]
Learning to Grow
[Yourself & Others]
Working Together
Working Together